New Location: Borders Bookstore; 1601 Preston Road, Suite J; Plano, TX 75093.  Since all but one of the attendees is from the Plano / Richardson / Frisco area, we decided to hold the sessions closer to home.  This is also where the OCA group meets on Sunday nights.

New Time: Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.  The time has been scooted back thirty minutes so that everyone has the chance to pick-up some food beforehand.  We will not meet next week but will resume the study group two weeks from now.  New time starts on May 12th and runs until the final exam review on June 30th.

Study Guide: Oracle Database 10g OCP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide by Oracle Press.  If you cannot get a copy of the Oracle Database 10g OCP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, then you should be able to follow along with the Sybex OCP Exam Guide or you could download the Oracle 10g Administrator Workshop II PDF files.  Each week, we will concentrate on the exam topics listed below so you can use any book or text that you would like to use.

OCP Online Group: I have also set up a Google Group for the OCP Study Group at

Syllabus: Below is a tentative syllabus for the remaining study group sessions.  We have rearranged some of the chapters to take advantage of the DOUG technical meeting that will cover ASM and AWR on May 21st.  Please note that we have reviews scheduled for both the half-way mark and at the end of the study group.  These review sessions will be a good opportunity to catch up if you miss a session.